The PLC Armidale Foundation was established 20 December 1999 to support the financial advancement the College through the stewardship of three trust funds administered by an independent board separate to, but reporting through the governance of the College.
- The Building Trust Fund
- The Scholarship Trust Fund
- The Education Trust Fund
From 2022 the structure of the Foundation was changed in accord with the Strategic Direction of the College. The PLC Armidale Foundation Committee operating within a Terms of Reference replaces the Foundation Management Board. The Foundation Committee oversees fundraising for these three funds as well as working closely with the Principal and College Council in the furtherance of the purposes for each fund. The Foundation Committee seeks donations, pledges, bequests and gifts to these trust funds.

The Foundation Committee assists the College to achieve the following objectives:
- To make a quality, all-girls’ PLC Armidale education accessible to families through targeted scholarships, prizes and bursaries.
- To improve, replace and upgrade the buildings and capital facilities of the College.
Donations to each of the Foundation’s Trusts are of great value to the College. Donations to the Building Fund and Scholarship Fund are tax-deductible bringing mutual benefit to the giver and the College.
To donate to the College, click here.
For more information about the PLC Armidale Foundation Committee, please contact the office of the Principal via email or phone (02) 6770 1700.