We thank the talented team that has worked so hard to equip our girls to lead lives of significance.
This effort was evident when the 2023 NAPLAN results were published on https://www.myschool.edu.au PLC Armidale students scored above average across every subject when compared to all Australian students and those of a similar background.

When compared against students with a similar background (determined by the parents’ level of education and type of employment engaged in), our results were above the average of like students, the exact statistic can be seen by hovering over each cell on the table.
When compared to all Australian Schools, the cells are a sea of green, lighter green indicating a higher level of performance against the average, darker green denoting a very high level of performance against the average. Visit us on the MySchool website here.
Congratulations to all classroom teachers, as we know that NAPLAN is a shared responsibility across all subjects to develop literacy and numeracy skills within each KLA.