
All excursions that take place during school hours within the town boundaries are covered by the General Risk Warning Form below.  There is no transport charge for these excursions. These will be notified through the newsletter, note or email.

Any excursion that takes place outside normal school hours, or that incurs a greater than $15 charge, will require day student parent’s signature on a permission note specific to that excursion.

In most years all students in Years 3 to 10 attend class excursions of two to five days’ duration.  These form part of the academic, sporting and personal development curricula and are compulsory. The cost of this major excursion will be charged to accounts.  There is an option to have the cost charged in four instalments. If inadequate notice is given for any other reason, all non-refundable costs will be charged to your account.

In Years 11 and 12 there may be subject-specific excursions such as two or three day excursions for students of Design and Technology, Music, Drama and Visual Arts.

Parents will be notified of major excursions by letter that will contain specific details relating to the requirements and itinerary for such excursions.  The letter will also contain a permission note that needs to be signed and returned to the school.

Please download and sign the General Risk Warning Form below. This permission will remain in force until retracted by you in writing or your daughter leaves the school. (NB:  In-class school excursions are a compulsory part of the curriculum).



If Socials are held at another school, all girls (boarders and day girls) travel to the Social by bus.  The bus leaves from the back of the boarding houses, accompanied by members of staff, who mark the roll as each girl enters the bus.  The staff also check that the code of dress, which requires suitable and appropriate clothing, is adhered to.

All girls will return to PLC by bus at the end of the Social.  Your promptness in picking up your daughter after the Social is appreciated as staff are not then required to give extra time in supervision.

Social Times: 7.00 pm – 9 pm for Years 6 – 8 and 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm for Senior Socials – Years 9 to 12

Girls are asked to dress in smart, casual attire.  Dressy pants are quite suitable but shorts, ‘tatty’ jeans, singlets, mid-riff tops, tight micro skirts and costumes are not acceptable.  If staff considers that girls are not suitably dressed, they will ask them to change or not to attend that particular social.

Girls do not require any money at the social.  There is a $5.00 charge for each social attended. This will be charged to your account.

If you put your name down for a social, you will still be charged even if you do not attend.  If you are unable to attend a social, you must inform the Socials Co-ordinator before 2pm on the Friday prior to the social.

If any girl behaves inappropriately at the social she will be sent back to PLC in a taxi, accompanied by a member of staff (if a boarder) or her parents will be asked to pick her up from the social (for day girls.)

Girls are not to bring students from other schools to accompany them.

Alcohol and cigarettes are, of course, forbidden.  Any transgression of this rule will have serious consequences.

While socials are designed to encourage healthy, open friendships between students of PLC and other schools, overt physical demonstrations of affection are not acceptable.  Good taste and self-control are the criteria in this regard.

Please sign the social section on the permissions form and return to the school. This permission will remain in force until retracted by you in writing or your daughter leaves the school.

Socials, Excursions and IT Acceptable Use and Wireless Network PERMISSIONS FORM



The IT network at PLC is provided predominantly for curriculum related purposes and to support and assist all students in their learning. It is important that each individual remembers that their use of technology impacts upon others. Breaching this Agreement will result in restricted access or further disciplinary action depending on the nature of the offence. Certain behaviours using technology could result in legal action or prosecution.

Conditions of Use

This agreement must be signed before a student receives access to the network and remains in force for the duration of the student’s enrolment.


This contract is valid for the duration of the student’s enrolment at the school.

Conditions of Access:

This contract is in addition to signing the IT Acceptable Use Agreement

The IT Department reserves the right to change these conditions at any time. Changes will be published in the Lion’s Roar.

Socials, Excursions and IT Acceptable Use and Wireless Network PERMISSIONS FORM